August 2020

August 31, 2020

5 Ways To Take Good Photos

Many friends who are new to photography often enter the mode that requires semi-manual/manual setting from the fully automatic mode, and they are not proficient in basic skills such as aperture, shutter, ISO, composition, etc., so the photos taken are not as ideal, then Is there any way to quickly enhance photography skills? Look for textures...

August 30, 2020

The Use Of Shutter Control

What would you do if you wanted to take the following photos? Photo of a bicycle driving at high speedA photo of a cat chasing a toy mouseA photo of a busy street at night The answer is to properly control your shutter speed. If it is a normal DC, you need to adjust it to...

August 29, 2020

What Is The Compression Effect Of A Telephoto Lens

I still remember that when I was a beginner in photography, I often heard the use of telephoto lenses to "compress" scenes, but I really didn't understand the principles and effects. I think many students now have similar questions, right? Let’s learn together what is the "compression effect" of a telephoto lens this time! The Sense...

August 28, 2020

4 Common Mistakes Made By Novice Photographers

Just like many photographers, I have been studying photography for more than 10 years. Looking back on the past, I found that there are many mistakes that may occur when learning photography. Here are 4 common mistakes that novices make. Have you tried it? No Exposure Compensation (+/- EV)Nowadays, digital cameras are more and more advanced,...

August 27, 2020

Shooting Techniques Using Manual Mode

During the internship activities of the photography training class, many students were not sure how to use the "M-Mode manual mode" to shoot in the shooting of flowing water or night scenes. This is also a technique that is difficult for beginners to learn photography. Let’s go together now. Take a look at the simple steps...

August 26, 2020

Shooting With Aperture-Priority Auto

Many students who attended the "Photography Beginners Training Class" have just bought a DSLR camera, or switched from a fully automatic DC to a DSLR, mirrorless camera. They are not very familiar with different shooting modes such as program mode (P-mode) or directly use manual mode (M-mode). In fact, for beginners, A-mode is a very good...

August 25, 2020

The Technique of Matrix Metering

For novice or amateur photographers, metering often seems difficult to master, and the camera also has many different metering modes built-in, so when should you use which metering mode to achieve the desired effect? Now let me share how to use "matrix metering" to cope with 99% of the daily environment! After you finish your studies,...

Blog00024-4 light metering August 24, 2020

How to Use the Light Metering Mode

DSLRs have light meters built into them that automatically measures the reflected light and determines what the best exposure for your images. There are various metering modes that your camera will use to determine this optimalexposure; and these are Evaluative meteringCenter-weighted meteringSpot metering. And there are other variations that different cameras do offer, but we are...

Blog00023-1 Safe Shutter Speed August 23, 2020

What is a “Safe Shutter Speed”?

Do you often hold the camera to shoot but photo is always not clear and sharp. It looks a bit blurry? Especially in an insufficient light indoor or shooting at night, the situation is more serious. At this time, you have a high chance of blurring the photo due to hand shake. The solution is to...

August 22, 2020

The Secret of Wonderful Photos – EXIF

Whether it is a beginner or a photography expert, we often see other people’s wonderful photos and want to know how to take the same effect. The most convenient way is to refer to the EXIF (Exchangeable image file format) of the photo. EXIF contains a lot of useful information. For beginners, the following information is...