What is M Av Tv P A Shooting Mode?

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Canon M Av Tv P Mode   Blog00003 Canon M Av Tv P Mode
Canon M Av Tv P Mode

In some higher-end DCs and all DSLRs, you can also see the options of M Av Tv P and AUTO. So what exactly do these English words represent?

M (Manual Mode)-Full manual mode: both aperture and shutter speed can be set by the user. If you need to fully control the aperture and shutter to achieve a certain purpose, such as deliberately taking over exposure or under exposure photos in an environment where the indoor light will not change much

Av (Aperture-priority Mode): the user sets the aperture value, the camera automatically calculates the appropriate shutter speed, mainly used to adjust the depth of field, this is also the most commonly used mode. This function is suitable for works with special requirements for depth of field, such as highlighting the subject and blurring the background or making the entire scene clear. In most cases, you only need to adjust the “depth of field” you want to have, but pay attention to the shutter speed to avoid the situation where the shutter is slower than the “safe speed” and jitter occurs.

Tv (Shutter-priority Mode): The user sets the shutter speed, and the camera automatically calculates the appropriate aperture value, mainly for shooting dynamic photos or night scenes. This function is suitable for works with special requirements for moving objects or people. For example, increasing the shutter speed can capture clear moving objects or people, and reducing the shutter speed can capture dynamic objects or people. Deliberately use a faster shutter to “freeze” fast objects (such as people in motion) or use a slower speed to create a sense of movement (such as expressing a moving car)

Reducing Shutter Speed   Blog00003 Reducing Shutter Speed
Reducing Shutter Speed

P (Programmed Mode) : the user does not care about the aperture and shutter, the camera will automatically calculate. You don’t want to worry about aperture or shutter when you need to concentrate on your composition

A (Fully automatic Mode) : equivalent to a point-and-shoot machine, everything is also controlled by the camera, including flash, aperture, shutter, ISO value, etc., just lift and shoot. If you want to learn photography, do not use this mode.

Written by Collin Smith @ remotes.works Holborn London


  • Author's gravatar
    Yorky 27th November 2018 , 9:42 am

    point-and-shoot camera sometime can catch an instant that suddenly happen

    • Author's gravatar
      William 27th November 2018 , 9:45 am

      Capturing a stunning moment is also my favarite!!

  • Author's gravatar
    Alex Smith 27th November 2018 , 9:42 am

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

  • Author's gravatar
    William 27th November 2018 , 9:45 am

    Different camera brand has different name. In order not to confused I prefer Canon.

  • Author's gravatar
    Alex Smith 27th November 2018 , 9:45 am

    Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


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