Prime Lens vs Zoom Lens
What are prime lenses and zoom lenses?Most ordinary Defocus Control (DC) lens can also “zoom far and zoom near” to compose pictures. It is indeed

What is Constant Aperture Lens
When you buy a lens or search lens information on the Internet, you may find that some zoom lenses are particularly expensive, and unlike ordinary

What is Full-frame?
The term Full-frame has recently become popular again due to the appearance of relatively cheap FF DSLRs such as Canon 5D and Nikon D700! So

Tips to Keep You From Taking Blurry Photos
In photography teaching for many years, I have seen a lot of students switch to DSLR and shoot with the camera when they see the

What is M Av Tv P A Shooting Mode?
In some higher-end DCs and all DSLRs, you can also see the options of M Av Tv P and AUTO. So what exactly do these

Learn About Aperture ISO and Shutter Speed in 1 Minute
Many friends who are new to photography may have heard the three terms “aperture, shutter and ISO sensitivity”, but it is also difficult to clearly